My favorite weirdo since March 2023.
Seriously. The worst part is, I almost didn't bring her home from the Humane Society. When I met her, she was so skittish and small, only about a year old. There was another cat there, an orange one named Fanta, whom I liked more at first glance. I didn't think she liked me when she was brought into the room, but I was ready to get a pet and toward the end, she finally warmed up to me a bit, enough that she gave me a good feeling. After a bumpy first few days and then an early scary medical issue (don't worry, she's healthy now!), I don't know what I would do without her. She has so much character. Apparently, tortie attitudes are a real thing.
winnie's favorite things
- being a menace
- getting picky about her wet food, except for fishies, which is the only sure-fire hit for her
- sunning herself
- sleeping on her back
- cuddling with me in the morning and only in the morning
- her treat ball,
- and her laser pointer
- high shelves
winnie's enemies
- the heater
- chicken wet food she used to love
- noises