
Star Wars




Lando Calrissian/Han Solo

Han Solo might have a thing for the way Lando kisses everyone’s hand but his.

nothing left but laughing

Poe Dameron/Kylo Ren

The Millennium Falcon was not a large ship. And Kylo filled it with the weight of his misguided regret, brought down the moods of everyone around him, because not only was he a selfish prick, but he was an asshole, too, and chose to suffocate everyone with his remorse instead of getting on with his life like the rest of them.

He acted like he was the only one who had regrets. And he might’ve been the biggest fuck-up of them all, but he wasn’t the only one.


across the aisle series

Finn/Kylo Ren

across the aisle - across the aisle 1

“This will not hold,” Ben Organa replied, equally contemptuous. Just the sound of his voice brought a smile to Finn’s mouth, one he smothered quickly behind his hand. Ben, just like his mother, who was conspicuously absent now that Finn’s attention was on New Alderaan’s pod and he gave it half a thought, had already made a name for himself as a rabble-rouser, a malcontent. Sometimes, it felt like half the legislation that made it through these doors was on the back of Leia and Ben Organa’s obnoxious determination to see their work done.

the silence in your bones - across the aisle 2

And Ben… he missed Ben. It was like a limb had been ripped from him when Ben left, a decision that shocked even his mother when she spotted him approaching her ship as she gave one last speech to the people who mattered. The believers. Her own personal Resistance.

the battering seas

Poe Dameron/Kylo Ren

“People loved you.” Poe’s words are barely above a whisper, but they strike you with as much force as if he’d yelled them from the heavens. “Despite you’re—you’re… despite who you are and what you did. They love you.” He is so very earnest, leaning heavily on that word, love. Love is for other people. You’d never known you had it when you needed it and now it’s too late. “And you’d throw it away? Again?”

carry that weight

Poe Dameron/Kylo Ren

Swallowing, Poe glanced down. Blue light coruscated across the floor, almost mesmerizing. Soothing in its way. Or maybe that was just Leia. “Tell Finn that Rey and I say hi,” he said instead of dwelling on the things he’d never get and shouldn’t have yearned for as a result.

Not that he hadn’t gained more than enough experience managing his disappointments there. He’d started young in that respect and nothing had changed in the intervening years. Every year brought new desires and every year saw them thwarted.

This wasn’t new.

cased in clean bark

Cassian Andor

But even the most perfect plan got people killed. It still wasted resources. A perfect plan hadn’t defeated the Empire. And wouldn’t, most likely. Some days, Cassian wondered if a plan ever would.

casino, days and nights

Lando Calrissian/Reader

“Credits,” he murmured, his breath brushing your ear as he guides you toward the sabacc tables. Your attention is more fully on the warmth of his palm against your lower back, but you nod as though you give even half a damn about credits and the procurement therein. “It always comes back to credits.”


Enfys Nest/Qi'ra

Nothing Enfys did was honorable though it might have been for an honorable cause. It was all dirty, bloody, necessary work. That she tried to conduct herself honestly was not the same thing as honor. She’d learned that since they first met. It made Enfys wonder what Qi’ra had learned in turn.

cost of admission

Wyl Lark/Nath Tensent

They’d all had to sacrifice something in staying with Alphabet Squadron and Wyl was the only one who got nothing out of it.


Rey/Kylo Ren

Always before she’d been in conflict with herself, torn between what he offered her and what she took for herself. You’ll join me, he’d said in that turbolift, so certain of it that he could still taste the truth of those words now. Her vulnerability then had cut him to the very core, so deeply that he thought his heart’s blood might flood the rest of his body and drown him. You won’t be alone.

dice games

Finn/Kylo Ren

“Did you see that?” he asks Lovey, her attention entirely on blowing on the dice in his hands. A completely ridiculous farce of an act, he’s well aware, but she’s as much a part of the show as he is. Ben hates dice games and he hates the feel of Lovey’s moist breath on his skin. All it does is make him want to wash and sanitize his hands. But it’s part of the mystique of Canto Bight. See the Master Codebreaker luck his way through games of chance. Make sure you keep an eye on him, though, this time he might try to slice his way into the casino’s mainframe.


Lando Calrissian/Han Solo

Lando sighed and took a couple of steps forward. Though the galley was reasonably sized, it suddenly felt far too small for the pair of them. His boots, shined to within an inch of their lives, clicked pleasantly against the floor. “Everything in here is custom,” he answered, looking Han up and down, “but you knew that already, didn’t you?”


Poe Dameron/Kylo Ren

“You’re bleeding out of your face.” Poe tore open the bacta patch with his teeth, retrieving first the cleansing wipe from inside the packet. The astringent taste of the bacta coated his tongue, thick and slippery, and that just pissed Poe even more. He hated the taste of bacta. He hated the smell of it. He hated how much better he felt with the damned stuff in his hands, wet to the touch even through the gloves he pretended he disliked wearing. “It’s not a good look.”


Poe Dameron/Kylo Ren

A sick, forced smile pulled at the corner of Poe’s mouth. There was a time when Poe would’ve been pleased with this kind of scrutiny, when his flirtations would have been genuine and well-intentioned. “What is it with you First Order types and wanting people on their knees? Or am I just that special?”


Poe Dameron/Kylo Ren

“Hey.” Poe lifted his hands, conciliatory. He was Ben’s friend here, truly. His partner in this and in all things. “I want to support you in your aspirations as an interior designer. I’m just saying maybe baby steps would be appropriate. Maybe not starting right in with the giant wall hangings? A couple of plants might be nice, come to think of it. A new duvet, perhaps? One that’s big enough that you won’t steal the whole thing in the middle of the—”

“You’re an asshole.”

game theory

Poe Dameron/Terex

“You’re a vile opportunist,” Poe said, deliberate, definitely disgusted.

Terex glanced down. His thigh shifted just so. Just. Enough. “I think part of you likes that about me.”


Rey/Kylo Ren

But that was what being a Jedi was supposed to be about, right? Letting go? Even Ben had tried, in a way, to impart that lesson to her.

give in to that easy living

Lando Calrissian/Shriv Suurgav

Lando nods, playing along with Shriv’s gripes like always. He’s a good sport, Lando is. Never takes Shriv at face value. This is both a blessing and a curse. It’s what’s allowed Lando to become the closest thing to a friend he has in this whole damned nonsensical war. Of course, then Lando goes and says things that give Shriv other ideas and he’s back to being pissed as hell that his friend can bring himself to be so open and—and provocative.

Provocative, that’s the word for him. Substanceless, too. Utterly devoid of the ability to take any of the important things seriously.


Poe Dameron/Kylo Ren

“I’m sure you’ve seen stars before,” Poe said, coming up beside him. His breath puffed white into the air before him. A few moons offered enough light to see by, bright white and distant. Craning his neck, he scanned the heavens. It was beautiful, sure, but Ben was the kind of guy who kept his nose to the ground. The guy just wasn’t a dreamer anymore and he didn’t search the sky for anything except an extraction point and it sure as hell wasn’t time for that, though Poe was rather more looking forward to going home than usual, too. “What’s so special about these ones?”

in one move

Finn/Rose Tico

When it was just Finn, Rose, and Poe left, Poe watched them both curiously and said, near the doorway, “I really will make it an order, Finn. I know what burnout looks like and you’re heading for it.” His gaze settled on Rose. “Both of you.” The tone of his voice held more than the perfunctory, distant quality of his words might have suggested. It was like he couldn’t yet decide whether to approach them as friends or as an officer of the Rebellion and chose to split the difference.

life day truces

Poe Dameron/Terex

This, too, was scripted, comforting. Perfect and reliable in its every particular. They spoke of inconsequential things and pretended for an hour that they were normal people with normal lives going about their normal business in an entirely normal bar.


Poe Dameron/Kylo Ren

The point was, a hum was a hum. And if anything out there was making a mournful call, it was these pilots’ ships begging to be put through a thorough inspection and refit. There wasn’t a screech in the void that couldn’t be soothed by a bit of elbow grease, some real grease, and a bout tender, loving maintenance.

Poe hadn’t yet developed a healthy enough ego to demand the newbies listen to his bullshit for hours on end as he got drunker and drunker on their awe and fear, but if and when he did, he’d tell them this: nothing preyed upon the stars that you didn’t bring with you.


Leia Organa/Qi'ra

The Empire might forgive her the laws she’d broken—she was that good at what she did, there were opportunities to leverage that, even for the bureaucrats with sticks up their asses who decided everyone’s fates, even for the corrupt who only wanted to get ahead, and Qi’ra was happy to exploit all of them—but they would never forgive her this disloyalty. Not even if she handed them the Rebellion on a platter.

Not that she would do that. Qi’ra crossed a million lines every day, but she wouldn’t cross this one.


Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso

This is what you were always meant for.

mutually assured

Jyn Erso/Orson Krennic

“You’re a bastard.”

“And you’re a traitor who wants it both ways,” he said, unfazed. “Which of us is worse?”

“You.” Bending to stow the blaster, she looked up at him. Focused and steady, neither her gaze nor her hand faltered, the blaster sliding easily into the holster. “Always.”


Finn/Kylo Ren

The Guard was an excellent fighter, but Finn would win if it came down to it; of that much, he was certain.

sacrifices made

Rey/Kylo Ren

She had been worried that her heart would break, but all she felt was emptiness as cold and vast as the unforgiving cosmos that surrounded her. It consumed her heart and everything else in her, collapsing into a heavy tangle in her chest. Ice-sharp, it scraped and ravaged whatever remained of her.

sere landscapes

Lando Calrissian/Han Solo

The man’s mouth stretched into a beautiful, brilliant smile, gorgeous enough that Han’s heart stuttered a bit. This man wasn’t a tourist, no tourist was that confident on this planet, but he was most definitely a rake. And Han was definitely a mark of some sort, a conquest to be had, a problem, possibly, to be solved. Whatever was going on here, Han had made a mess of it for this guy; it was the only explanation that made sense.

speak with iron tongues

Alexsandr Kallus/Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios

It was a worthy trade, the only trade worth making when it came down to it. Thrawn might win today, but there’d still be a tomorrow for Thrawn to lose if they did this right. And Kallus intended to do it right.

the tides

Lando Calrissian/Biggs Darklighter

Biggs wasn’t a blusher. Hadn’t ever been, but when he lifted his own nearly empty glass in response, warmth suffused his face and a giddy wildness charged around his stomach before settling down into a pleasant, fleeting moment of connection with someone who wasn’t part of the Empire and who probably didn’t see the Empire in him either.


Poe Dameron/Kylo Ren

At least this way he could feel good about the outcome. Whatever he’d had to sacrifice, it was worth it, because it was for everyone. And they’d won and there were still enough members of the Resistance around to throw a truly spectacular party.

A party Poe didn’t really want to have anything to do with, but a party nonetheless.

wicked games

Cassian Andor/Orson Krennic

If only he could tell himself he was here because he wanted to pin Krennic for his crimes, get his hooks good and messy into the sinew of Krennic’s many lies and plans and pull him apart with them. That, at least, might have been noble. It might have been worth it.

General Audiences


Jessika Pava/Rey

“The day anyone around here can speak with any degree of authority about what constitutes a normal person’s behavior is the day I defect to the First Order.” He peers at her, switching gears on a hairpin, suddenly sympathetic. “Our job’s not easy, Pava. You know as well as I do there’s not always gonna be a later to look forward to.”

a hush

Finn/Kylo Ren

They’ve all heard tales since beginning their journey about even worse things that linger in the silence. Every port of call—what few they can find—only drags more stories onto the ship. They rot like chum on every deck, spreading death and fear wherever they go. Rumors can be found everywhere they turn. In the Unknown Regions, it’s practically a form of currency. And Kylo cannot stop them. He can only do what he can to ensure nobody turns his ships into another cautionary tale, a horror story that other reckless adventurers tell one another.


Poe Dameron/Kylo Ren

“My fondest dream is shooting at you while you run away.” He turned his head into Ben’s neck and inhaled, biting his lip to keep from laughing at Ben’s wounded gasp of indignation. “How did you guess?”

the art of planetary motion

Poe Dameron/Finn/Rey

And there it is. Finn stops dead, yanking Rey back with him. If she was anyone else, he’d have toppled her by mistake. Instead, she twists with him and anticipates the way his hands settle on her shoulders. Because that’s what Jedi do. It’s spooky and cool all at the same time. “It’s his what now?”


Poe Dameron/Finn

If asked, Poe could still name every constellation visible from the Massassi temple back on Yavin IV.


Lando Calrissian/Luke Skywalker

Lando’s life in ten drabbles.

burn the nights away

Poe Dameron/Kylo Ren

And no matter how often Ben told him not to do this to himself, told him not to come out to the hangar after the end of his shift to sit on a crate and watch the various nighttime arrivals and departures, Poe never listened. No matter what, he always found his way back home.


Poe Dameron/Kylo Ren

From inside, the sound of the band warming up drew both of their attentions. And though Poe mostly heard his own sigh, he thought his kindred spirit sighed, too. “Not a fan?” Poe offered, incapable of staying quiet any longer.

That whole inability to keep his mouth shut thing. It could be a real drag.


Bail Antilles/Mon Mothma

“Thank you,” Mon Mothma said, glancing around the command center. Not a single person paid her any mind. Too busy dashing off reports or monitoring comm traffic or planning strikes to notice her, they went about their business while all thought of Mon Mothma completing her own ground to a halt.


Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso

No, this beach is not Scarif, but its pull on him is overwhelming, as much a part of him as the Rebellion. It feels so real, the beach does. He wants to stay here, but he knows the truth. He knows the beach isn’t real. He’s always known this beach isn’t real.


Shara Bey/Kes Dameron

“What do you think?” she asked, squatting until she was at Poe’s level. He liked it when she did that, smiling at her with the most beatific look on his face. And he didn’t disappoint now either, almost taking her breath away with how brightly he grinned at her.

He didn’t answer her. Instead, plopping down to make his point, he plucked a handful of blades from the ground and tossed them at his feet.


Jyn Erso/Leia Organa

Leia quirked a bitter smile her way. Regret tinged it, turned it dull where it could have been full and brilliant and beautiful. “You need someone who can—” She wiggled her fingers and Jyn felt a caress on her cheek that wasn’t caused by a breeze. There were so few people in the galaxy who had Leia’s skills. How they’d found her… Leia might think they had a one-in-a-million shot at success, but Jyn was sure she undersold it. Or maybe it was the Force interceding on their behalves. Chirrut thought so and Jyn wanted to believe, but… “—and anyway, you’re going to be the one with a target on her back soon enough. There’s no one better suited to smuggling these damned plans to where they’ll do the most good.”

hoarfrost in fragments

Poe Dameron

When all else fails, Poe thinks, tossing out a general distress call to whatever deities might be listening, be polite. “Master Skywalker.”

into epochs

Lando Calrissian/Luke Skywalker

His heart thuds in his chest and his stomach knots up and he feels sick in a way he hasn’t since before his first real swindle and Luke—Luke… “You look better than I thought you would,” he says, struck despite himself by the line of Luke’s tunic, the offset scarf settled across one shoulder and around his neck, everything a variation of dark gray, his favored shade over the years. “That color always did suit you.”


Poe Dameron/Finn

Finn shifts on his feet outside Poe’s quarters, fist raised to knock on the thick, utilitarian door, far closer to the kind of thing you’d find in First Order barracks than Finn’s comfortable thinking about. Palm sweating, he grimaces and drops his hand. Wipes it surreptitiously down his shirt and tries to find his sense of calm. Deep breaths, he tells himself. He’s not gonna bite. You’re looking for lunch. Not a commitment.


Finn learns more about The Jacket than he cares to know.


Poe Dameron/Kyo Ren

So it was his own fault really when he—almost literally—stumbled across Ben Solo as he strode his way into the hangar bay, his boots striking the duracrete with a finality that brooked no argument. This was his place; he owned it; he’d earned it. That said, it shouldn’t have been easy to stumble over Ben; he was a large man and broad at that, but he’d managed to kneel behind a few stacked cargo containers at the exact same moment that Poe decided to round those selfsame containers and—

Bweeeeip whooooooaaaaooooo.

paper wings

Poe Dameron/Kylo Ren

Don’t do that, he thought. That’ll just goad him on. “At least it wasn't your pompous jackass of a nemesis who caught you on a routine mission through the safest hyperspace lanes known to the Resistance.”

“By the way,” spoke said pompous jackass over comms that were wired into the walls for the singular purpose of driving Poe up them, “according to the fr—excuse me, Ben Solo’s psychological evaluations, he was hurt by a romantic entanglement in the past, which makes him—”


Cassian Andor/K-2SO

K-2 recited his spiel, knocked over more than a few of his words in the process, and lost himself in a bog somewhere about the time he was supposed to explain that his central processors were malfunctioning and could Captain Andor please tell him on what level he might find the droid techs?

“That’s it.” His hand sliced brutally through the air. You can’t even stop yourself from hesitating with my title. “I’m going with you.”

petals after the fall

Leia Organa/Sosha Soruna

“Queen, uh, Soruna has requested an audience with you,” Connix says, self-conscious. And it’s so painfully obvious she doesn’t understand. Nobody requests an audience with General Organa. That’s just a little too monarchical for her Resistance contacts. And nobody except Threepio likes to bring up the whole princess thing for many and varied reasons.


Finn/Rose Tico

“Hey!” The shout was accompanied by a fist punching him in the arm. Finn knew better than to flinch, though. He was used to it from this particular source. One of the few good things to have come out of this damned conflict, one of the few things he couldn’t regret. Rose glared up at him and planted her hands on her hips. She was dressed in her usual coveralls and they were dirty, also normal for her. A smudge of grease lashed across her forehead and it took every ounce of Finn’s self-control to not reach up and wipe it away.

prevail upon

Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso

“Perhaps not for some.” He thought of Commander Organa and General Calrissian and Mon Mothma. There was yet work for them to do and they were so very clearly chomping at the bit to do it. But for others—for Cassian… “The Alliance will restructure. And along with it, the army and navy.” He sighed and released Jyn’s hands with a brief, tight squeeze. “They need soldiers, peacekeepers. They may even need spies, but they don’t need me.”


“This—” He pointed up at the sky, that unbelievable, impossible sky. “—this was always the goal.”

quintessence series

Cassian Andor

fusee - quintessence 1

Turning on his heels, he grinned down at K, who stared back up at him, baleful. How Cassian knew that, he couldn’t say, given K was still such a recent addition to the base. In any case, K’s ocular sensors looked no different than usual, but Cassian saw judgment there all the same. And when K opened his mouth—figuratively anyway—he confirmed it. “When I said you needed to get out more, I didn’t mean it literally.”

diluvian - quintessence 2

Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso

“You’re enjoying this.” Tugging her forward, he pressed his lips against the top of her head, all the while glaring at the scene outside, willing it to bend to his desires. Her hair smelled vaguely of the astringent soap almost no one on the base liked to use except to scrub ship parts that had gotten too greasy. He just wanted to go home. “Who ever heard of a whole city coming to a standstill over a little rain?”

contiguous - quintessence 3

“I’m gonna—” Cassian gestured vaguely at the patch of dirt around their sadly very incapacitated shuttle and tried not to feel guilty about abandoning Bodhi to his work. If Cassian could help, it would be one thing, but this particular mechanical failure was above his paygrade and Bodhi had long since given up trying to explain its nuances just so Cassian might not screw up the repair. The next time Commander Organa wanted a manned shuttle to scout uninhabited planets, she could send someone else. “—out there. For a few minutes.”

revivify - quintessence 4

Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso

Bile burned a line up his throat and anger churned within his chest, battering at his rib cage, no target left to hurt except his own body and mind. The Empire no longer existed and yet a palpable stamp remained on this world, on so many worlds. Would they ever be free of the Empire’s noxious touch? Sometimes Cassian didn’t think so. Sometimes Cassian didn’t even expect to live long to see a galaxy that wasn’t still freshly scarred.

Jyn took his hand and squeezed it until his joints cracked together. “This is a good thing, Cassian. It’s a good day.”

espirit de corps - quintessence 5

Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso

He looked out onto the people around him, now so earnest in their grimness. Most of them had never been through this before. Some had, of course, and they appeared more tired than shocked, quietly upset, but careful in their expression of it. Tightness had settled around so many eyes. Despair.

Cassian hated that he’d had to put it there, but he and Jyn were the ones who’d stumbled across the whispers first. It only seemed right that they would be the ones to spread the news.

This was the job they’d burdened themselves with.

savoir faire

Lando Calrissian/Leia Organa

He slides further down the platform, a polite invitation for her to join him. Smiling in welcome, he scrutinizes her—or tries to—for signs of her reaction. Is she pleased? Or chagrined? Without daylight to go by, the figuring of it is difficult. And so he gives up for the time being, leaving it to fate as to whether he learns what she thinks or not. Because by the time he can tell, her face is placid. “What wonders would those be?”

strange bedfellows

Finn/Kylo Ren

“Alas, the storm is come again! My best way is to creep under his gaberdine. There is no other shelter hereabouts. Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows. I will here shroud till the dregs of the storm be past.” - The Tempest, Act II, Scene II


Kaeden Larte/Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka had gone through the process—and more easily than most of her peers at that.

She hadn’t questioned why at the time. It was what good Jedi did and, frankly, the thought of losing her family was so much more troubling to her than losing a soulmate she’d never met. She had Anakin and Padmé and Rex and Master Obi-Wan and Master Plo and all the others. What did she need with a soulmate when she already had so much?


Chelli Lona Aphra/Sana Starros

Sana might hate her and she, she might be unhappy with Sana in turn, but Sana didn’t deserve to become a loose wire in the force field that protected Aphra—and Sana—from blackmail and exploitation, all the nasty things Imps did to one another to climb another rung of the ladder Aphra found far less interesting now that she was stuck somewhere on it.


She sneered and scoffed and shook her head, hair brushing back and forth over her neck. “I think I’d rather talk about Aphra.”

I don’t miss her, Sana thought, willing herself to believe it.


Jyn Erso/Orson Krennic

The Force crackles, shivering the way a person might if they touched their tongue to a broken tooth. Sharp and hot, before abating to a manageable throb. His face betrays nothing, so neutral that she almost distrusts her own senses as a result. But no. No. She’s not wrong. She’s never wrong.

Her leg slips off the throne, foot stamping against the marble. She leans forward, elbows against her knees. “You’re lying.” Her mind hones in on him, an awl ready to prick a hole in the fabric that holds him together. She could break him to get the truth from him if she wanted to. But she doesn’t. Because knowing she could is enough. Tilting her head, she narrows her eyes. Flat, she asks, “Why?”